Product Updates Recap!
In 2024, Brushfire set new innovation and community engagement standards. By launching groundbreaking products and expanding globally, the company showed its commitment to excellence. Here's what we've been up to!
Flex Pass Improvements, Mobile App Direct Print via Bluetooth! Here are your Product Updates for January 2024.
We are thrilled to share some exciting updates with you this month! One gives you more options to customize when your Flex Passes are valid, and one enhances your printer experience when using the Mobile App. Check them out!
A number of customers have expressed interest in selling passes that are good for a specific period of time after the date of the purchase of the pass, such as a one-year pass. Now, Flex Passes can be configured to be valid for a period of time based on the purchase date. Just select Redemptions can take place for a period of time AFTER the order date and set the time parameters when setting up your Flex Pass Ticket Type. Learn more about setting up your Flex Pass in this Help Article.
We are excited to have enhanced the printer support from the Mobile App but now, you can connect to a printer via Direct Print, whether via Bluetooth or USB. Supported printers will specifically be Star, Brother, and Zebra models. Learn how to use this new feature in this Help Article.
Do you have an idea that could be the next best Brushfire feature? We always want to innovate in a way that makes sense to our customers, so we would love your valuable feedback on what you want to see from us next.