Product Updates Recap!
In 2024, Brushfire set new innovation and community engagement standards. By launching groundbreaking products and expanding globally, the company showed its commitment to excellence. Here's what we've been up to!
Discover our new features to enhance your Customer Experience!
This month, we are excited to announce some new features that will help you make your customers’ purchasing and registration experience even better! From more payment options to calendar views to better time slot solutions, let’s dive into what we’re rolling out this month!
With this new Tap to Pay feature, contactless payments can be accepted in person, right on a compatible iPhone (and some Android devices), with no extra hardware needed. From physical debit and credit cards to Apple Pay and other digital wallets, we are thrilled to offer another feature that will help you save more time and money while helping you sell more tickets! Use this Help Article to learn how to start using Tap to Pay on iPhone today!
We are all familiar with our Events List, where your customers can view all your upcoming events. The list has an option to sort by date, as shown below.
In addition, you can now choose a Calendar View that is more date-focused for a cleaner user experience, as shown below. Once a date is selected, the event(s) will be displayed accordingly.
Read more about how to display this Calendar View for your events.
For our friends in the attractions space, time slot ticketing allows you to control the size of crowds at your event and keep lines moving quickly. With our new feature, your customers will now be presented with a streamlined experience that will help them pick their preferred time slot each day while keeping the expedited process of check-in at the event and easy reporting you’ve come to know from Brushfire.
From museums to festivals to theme parks or guided tours, check out this Help Article to see if Time Slot Ticketing works for you.
Do you have an idea that could be the next best Brushfire feature? We always want to innovate in a way that makes sense to our customers, so we would love your valuable feedback on what you want to see from us next.
In 2024, Brushfire set new innovation and community engagement standards. By launching groundbreaking products and expanding globally, the company showed its commitment to excellence. Here's what we've been up to!
Our goal is to ensure that each update and feature we introduce is tailored to meet your needs and enhance your experience. From embedded signatures to buyer level add ons, we're working on some great things in your near future!
Enhanced customizations to check-in parameters for our time slot ticketing events, improved options for collecting fees, and a special update for international taxes (when needed) bring more laser focus to the data that is most important to you.