Product Updates Recap!
In 2024, Brushfire set new innovation and community engagement standards. By launching groundbreaking products and expanding globally, the company showed its commitment to excellence. Here's what we've been up to!
Upcoming: New Ticket Layouts and Customizable Wallet Passes (including Google!)
Our new feature this month will give you more options at event check-in. Further, a ticket and mobile wallet refresh is coming soon that will continue to optimize the check-in experience for you and your guests! Let’s dive into what we’re rolling out this month.
When in self-service check-in mode in the Brushfire Mobile App, you can now allow your attendees to check in by searching their name, number, or any other available field by selecting the Full Search option! You can select this option on its own or in addition to the usual Camera and Email option, as well as if you are utilizing the print features.
Next month, tickets are getting a huge upgrade in Brushfire! Our customers will now get to design their own tickets and decide what data they want displayed, and we are excited to announce brand new support for tickets in Google Wallet!
With our new Ticket Layouts tab, you can customize your image and colors, choose up to three attendee fields and/or give special instructions to display:
See how they will appear on your ticket in real-time with the sample ticket:
Finally, below the sample ticket, you can toggle between how it will display as a web ticket, an Apple wallet pass, or a Google wallet pass:
More details on how it all works will come as we launch it next month! Stay tuned!
Do you have an idea that could be the next best Brushfire feature? We always want to innovate in a way that makes sense to our customers, so we would love your valuable feedback on what you want to see from us next.
In 2024, Brushfire set new innovation and community engagement standards. By launching groundbreaking products and expanding globally, the company showed its commitment to excellence. Here's what we've been up to!
Our goal is to ensure that each update and feature we introduce is tailored to meet your needs and enhance your experience. From embedded signatures to buyer level add ons, we're working on some great things in your near future!
Enhanced customizations to check-in parameters for our time slot ticketing events, improved options for collecting fees, and a special update for international taxes (when needed) bring more laser focus to the data that is most important to you.