Product Updates Recap!
In 2024, Brushfire set new innovation and community engagement standards. By launching groundbreaking products and expanding globally, the company showed its commitment to excellence. Here's what we've been up to!
Now more than ever, people want options; they want flexibility! Instead of buying individual tickets for each game day, each performance, or each event, offer your attendees the option of a Flex Pass! Attendees can do a one-time purchase that offers a pass good for whatever event(s) you would like to attach to it.
With the flex pass, you can customize as many uses from as many events from your account as you’d like. For example, if you are holding or promoting a variety of events not related to each other, but all within your organization’s dashboard, you can include them on a Flex Pass to still be able to offer your attendees specialty pricing for still attending multiple events.
Do you need to sell tickets for multiple games across different sport leagues? Sell a Single Flex Pass with flexible access to one or more events for one or more individuals. Want to sell a pass within a specific sport only? Sell a Single Flex Pass with flexible access to one or more events for one or more individuals. Are you a daily ticketing attraction? Offer a gift card of passes with access for single or multiple admissions. Check out some samples of different Flex Pass options below:
To learn more about Flex Pass and how to set one up, visit here!