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Don’t cancel, Stream!


In light of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to let you know that you have options! Events are canceling left and right, but you don’t have to cancel yours. Streaming your event lets you keep your attendees engaged and most of all, healthy!

Do you already have the capability to stream?

If so, that’s great! Brushfire offers a paid streaming solution. Simply sell tickets and registrations like normal, host your event entirely online, and your attendees can view your password-protected stream! Switching to a streaming event is easy. (Adding a simulcast to your event works the same way!)

Learn more about Brushfire Streaming today!

Unfamiliar with streaming?

Streaming traditionally is viewed as a complex feature for most events. There are normally three components when it comes to streaming: an encoder (the hardware), a cloud storage platform, and the video player. With the progressions of social platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo. Streaming is now more attainable than ever to the normal event organizer.

If your organization already owns cameras and broadcast equipment but doesn’t stream, check out this blog. The team at Resi has put together a nice look at encoders, switchers, and higher-end items.

If your organization is ready for a custom solution and needs help with equipment, set-up, and more, our partner, Sardius, could be a great fit! Read more about Sardius here.

Want to keep it simple and budget-friendly?

Lastly, if you’d like to handle streaming on your own through a social media platform, it’s pretty simple. To get a stream up and running these days, all you need is a smartphone, a great internet connection, and a social media account.

We know most of you like to do things with excellence, so below we’ve linked to a few items that could help better your stream.

Optional Stream Enhancements.

Better Video:

Zoom Q2n


Better Audio:

Shure Microphone

Sennheiser Microphone

Wireless Lav Microphone

Broadcast & Switchers:


Boxcaster (If you have a switcher, but don’t do broadcast.)

Lastly, another great article about getting a stream up and running.

Happy Eventing!